15 Pets Whose Fun-tastic Personalities are a Source of Never-Ending Joy.

We all know how pets can be so expressive that they could easily star in their own show, from the incredibly excited face of a dog to a cat refusing to play with anything until it gets a bit of string out.

Pets can be a source of never-ending joy.

People usually capture moments like these and share them online.

Being smart presents you with some real fun-tastic characters of the animal world. Get ready for a fun ride.

1. Guess which is the weird one…

© superbialm / Reddit

2. “He heard the treat bag open.”

© Lord_Crumpleton / Reddit

3. “My dog thinks I’m a chair sometimes. Oh well.”

© anne_c_rose / Reddit

4. “He normally curls up on top of the cat pedestal which is weird already. This one, however, is new.”

© jnich2424 / Reddit

5. “His name is Moose and he won’t stop stealing hair ties.”

© The_drum_killa / Reddit

6. “Sun’s out, tongue’s out.”

© Karmakaziiiii / Reddit

7. “Bowser with his favorite ball”

© JakobieDigital / Reddit

8. “When June gets excited, her ear sometimes flips into a very convincing toupée.”

© DeputyAjayGhale / Reddit

9. “Cat refuses to play with anything until I get a bit of string out.”

© RyanPepsiPeach / Reddit

10. “Hi, my name’s Clementine, I’m 6 months old, and I hate the smell of mint.”

© GracedGuitar / Reddit

11. “When you wake up at 4 AM to strange noises but it’s just your dog climbing into the laundry basket:”

© JudaciousGreen / Reddit

12. “My dog stares at me like this in anticipation of the bed pat, giving her permission to jump up.”

© AstoundiglyAverage / Reddit

13. “My dog, Benji, unsure of how to pose for photos”

© hella_newb / Reddit

14. “I bought this vase specifically for her yesterday and she approves.”

© derpinu- / Reddit

15. “My pup chewed a hole in the blanket to pop her face out.”

© AstoriaCat / Reddit

What’s the most funniest thing you’ve seen a pet do? What’s your Favorite Pet? Share your best stories and pics in the comments below!

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