100 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

What are positive affirmations, and how do they affect your daily life? 

Basically, affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself throughout the day.

They can be seen as words of encouragement. Whenever you need a boost, you can rely on these positive affirmations.

When you use positive affirmations daily, your thinking starts to change, and you might find it easier to bring good things into your life.

By repeating affirmations regularly, your mind starts to believe what you’re saying, which can lead to positive changes.

I really believe in the power of positive thinking and self-affirmations. 

Human mind is super powerful, and what we focus on, we tend to attract. 

That’s why I’ve put together a list of 100 positive affirmations that could really make a difference in your life.

100 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Here is a list of 100 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life.

These affirmations can help you feel happier, more confident, and ready to tackle any challenge.

By repeating them regularly, you can create a brighter, more fulfilling life for yourself.

You can also save your favorite ones to your Pinterest board or download them to your smartphone and make them your lock screen wallpaper. Cheers!!

1) I am strong and I am powerful.

2) I am grateful to be alive.

3) I am in control.

4) I have the power to create change.

5) I choose what I become.

6) I am enough.

7) I deserve to be happy.

8) I attract the love I desire.

9) I love my body.

10) I am proud of who I am.

11) I am healthy and happy.

12) I am valuable.

13) I am prepared for new challenges.

14) Today and everyday I choose to be happy.

15) I am worthy of increasing my income.

16) Today and everyday I release all the negativity.

17) I forgive myself.

18) I deserve self-care.

19) I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.

20) The setbacks are just redirecting me to something bigger and better.

21) I make peace with what I can’t control.

22) I am kind and I am patient.

23) I choose to see the bright side.

24) I am manifesting my dream life.

25) I don’t fail, I learn.

26) I am grateful for all that I have.

27) I will achieve the goals I set.

28) I choose to let go of all my anger.

29) I have important ideas and my ideas matter.

30) I am worthy of my goals and dreams.

31) I take action towards my goals everyday.

32) I am doing my best.

33) I have a purpose.

34) I am confident.

35) I am limitless.

36) I am loved.

37) I am talented and intelligent.

38) I am motivated.

39) Good things are going to happen.

40) I am worthy of love and happiness.

41) Today is going to be the best day.

42) I am resilient.

43) I choose to be optimistic.

44) Done is better than perfect.

45) I am a money magnet.

46) My possibilities are endless.

47) I allow new beginnings in my life.

48) I am ready to manifest abundance.

49) I believe in the woman I am becoming.

50) I am creative and I will create the best life for me.

51) Every obstacle is an opportunity to grow.

52) I am in alignment with my soul purpose.

53) Everyday I am becoming wealthier.

54) I forgive myself for having a bad day.

55) I have the ability to solve every problem I face.

56) My goals are achievable.

57) I am unaffected by the judgement of others.

58) Money making opportunities are always coming my way.

59) Today I have the power to accomplish everything I need to do.

60) I am always growing and ready to learn.

61) There are no limits to the amount of money I can make.

62) I breathe in courage and exhale doubt.

63) My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts everything I desire.

64) I trust my intuition and I always make wise decisions.

65) I choose to live my life to the fullest.

66) My courage and strength are more powerful than my doubts.

67) I believe in my ability to go after my dreams and succeed.

68) I will not compare myself to others.

69) All that I need comes to me at the right time.

70) I am allowed to say no to others and yes to myself.

71) Today I let go of anything that doesn’t add to my happiness and goals.

72) I have the power to create the life I desire.

73) I will attract what belongs to me.

74) I have the courage to be the happiest, healthiest and most successful version of myself.

75) Today I choose to make myself happy.

76) I make peace with my past and I am ready to receive the good that comes my way.

77) I am thankful for all I have and all I will accomplish.

78) I am a magnet for positivity and blessings.

79) I believe in myself and all of my abilities.

80) I am brave and I will go after what makes me happy.

81) I am proud of who I am and all that I have and will accomplish.

82) I will trust the timing of my life and be grateful for the good that is to come.

83) I am beautiful and I love all aspects of me and who I am.

84) I attract opportunity.

85) I am determined to succeed.

86) I no longer fear the unknown.

87) I am enough.

88) I choose to focus only on what I can control.

89) I know who I am and I know what I deserve.

90) I strive to have a growth mindset.

91) I accept the good things that are coming my way.

92) I am resilient enough to take on every obstacle that stands in my way.

93) My past does not define my future.

94) I choose to be fearless today and everyday.

95) I choose to step outside of my comfort zone and do the unthinkable.

96) I trust myself, I trust my intuition, I trust my judgement and I will make the best choices for me.

97) I will accomplish anything I focus on.

98) I am a positive person who attracts positivity.

99) I release all doubts and insecurities about myself.

100) I am worthy of love and happiness.

Keep repeating these positive affirmations daily and see how your life becomes more positive and full of opportunities. Here’s to a happier you!

Kristine J.

Kristine J. loves writing and helping people find themselves and grow. She’s really into daily routines, self-care, and minimalism. She also shares quotes and affirmations to motivate her readers and inspire positive changes in their lives.

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